Saturday, September 23, 2006


Now when i first started this blog it was to track my experience in conceiving a child or trying to conceive a child. I never really went through with updating it because look I'm lazy. I have good intentions but I just forget to update or think I'll do it later and then when I go to do it later I forget what I wanted to say and all that blah. So here is a quick synopsis of what happened:

April 2005: visited a fertility specialist about getting my tubes reversed. They had been cut or tied or both since 1993 when I was 24 years old right after the c-section of my second child. At the time of visiting my specialist I was 35. I went for my lap and dye, very painful let me tell you to have that dye inserted inside of you so that they can get a good look at your fallopian tubes through exray. The exrays were inconclusive so my doctor had scheduled surgery to go in and take a look at what we were dealing with.

July 2005: had my surgery, small, three incisions, one over each ovary and one in my belly button. Unfortunately my uterus is badly tilted and he couldn't see anything. So he referred me to another specialist. The other specialists told us he could do the surgery but there was no guarantee. First he wasn't sure how close to the ovaries the tubes were cut, if too close reparation would be impossible. Even if he was able to repare the tubes it could take up to two or more years to conceive anyway as the older you are, the healing takes longer and we couldn't try before 6-12 months anyway. He said I could be near the age of 38-39 before I conceived and told us about IVF (FIV here). He explained they had an excellent team in Marseille, one of the best in France. He explained how the first ivf baby is now 24 there. So told us to think about it and let our other specialist (since he is also a obgyn) what we would like to do.

July 2005 still: went to see the doctor, told him ivf is what we wanted. Let me explain a bit here, if the operation didn't work, ivf was the next option. which means we could be delaying it if opting for an operation that might not work. So the doctor told us that the ivf doctor would need to approve us before beginning. He gave us the name and faxed our paperwork over.

Sept 2005: we were approved and after a few things to get straight, paperwork and insurance since four treatments of ivf are fully covered here, going to seminars to learn what we would go through and then waiting on my period to regulate we were ready for our first ivf treatment to start in December!

December/January: we had our first ivf treatment, I was over medicated, extremely heavy and sore and unfortunately it did not work

March 2006: talked with our ivf doctor, I needed to have one more full periods (three periods before each ivf is recommeneded) and then I could start my second ivf try.

May/June 2006: started my second ivf, everything went well, medication was lower dosed, went onto successfully conceive and am now 14 weeks pregnant. I will admit I wondered if ivf would really work for me, it seemed like it only happened to others or in movies. I'm really glad I was on of the lucky

If you want to read more details about my ivf experience, the link is to the right, IVF: Trying for Baby.


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