Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Pink isn't just for Champagne anymore...

So tell me, what is it with French and pink toilet paper? Is it cheaper to make? It is a statement? Is everyone colorblind? Seriously just what is with the pink toilet paper??? It is EVERYWHERE and it is cheaper than plain white toilet paper. Wherever I go, whether a fancy restaurant or McDonald's I'm finding pink toilet paper and let me tell you, I don't like nor want pink toilet paper or any other color. I've a sensitive derrière okay? No dyes or scents need to make contact with what is below, no thank you.

This is just one of the things that does puzzle me, and it would be nice if someone could explain to me WHY???

Monday, January 19, 2009

Ah new layout!

So since I found out we can actually download cool templates for blogger I had to go find one. Is this not just so perfect for my blog? I love looking at it so that will motivate me to update it (I hope lol). I've been working on my Lenormand Leap site, I'm a tarot reader and have taken the leap to the Lenormand cards which I just love and find so much more intriguing than the tarot. so I'll try to pop in here to update, I'm promising myself on that one!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Mike is a green ball

So finally figured out what Gabi means when I ask him what film he wants. Ballon is his favorite word, we have balls everywhere in the house. Well he asks for a film and we go through the list:

le tigre et le mammouth (ice age)

les chiens? (lady and the tramp or 101 dalmations)

Balou? (Jungle Book)

Woody et Buzz? (Toy Story)

les poissons? ( Little Mermaid)

les monstres grrrr! (Monster Inc)

and so on and on cause Papa is constantly getting him new movies.

So today we go through all this AGAIN and finally at monstres grrrr! he gives a big smile, laughs and says ballon! So as I was starting the movie it hit me, MIKE! he sees Mike as a green ball, despite the eye and arms and legs lol it is still a ball for him.

It isn't too easy trying to figure him out right now, he doesn't talk alot that I understand. I know bilingual kids take a bit longer to really talk, but he understands everything and has started. When he says "il est la" I always laugh lol, it is just so cute but I'm so glad to hear it!

Monday, January 12, 2009

Flamby : French Style

OK here is a video done ten years ago on our webcam. We had just moved into a new flat then and had a housewarming party, Hawaiian Luau was our theme. It was great, all our friends came in grass skirts, leis and what not, a great attraction to see a group of 20 people walking down a Marseille street like that by the way ! We had a blast drank, ate danced, did the limbo (drunken style) and then at midnight was "tequila boom boom", which seemed to happen at every party at midnight.

So we had bought some flamby, they are little cups of flamby (flan in a cup I guess you could say lol) and what you do is open it, take the little sticker off the bottom (so it slides right out of the cup) upside down onto a plate. And then basically you "suck" the flamby up lol. This is not exactly easy in a room full of people, half or wholly drunk, and laughing your butts off. I'm the first girl about mid video, the only blond at the party lol. My husband is second guy in the video, after Fred's brief appearance (and his bushy head) lol

I completely forgot we had this video, I mean those days are looooong gone but I'm so glad we still had it. And I thought what better place to share it than on this blog!

Enjoy the video, there is no sound, otherwise you'd hear the laughing like crazy. At the end you'll see how it is done, the flamby being flipped out of it's cup. Why that part is at the end is still a mystery to me lol

No more snow

Well it was fun while it lasted, but the snow is gone and life back to normal here in Marseille. But in Forcalquier, where my in-laws live, the winter wonderland continues. Although no new snow, the temperatures have kept the white and Gabi was able to enjoy some snow fun over the weekend with his grandma.

On another note, Gabi did a little tinkle in the toilet last night! He is 22 months old and not ready to potty train, morning diaper is still soaked, but before bath we always ask if he has to fait pipi and instead of heading toward his potty, which he hates, we head to the big toilet. I sit him on it backwards, a little tip I picked up on a forum. sitting him on it forwards scares him, he feels like he is going to fall in, holding him up just makes him laugh and kick the toilet lol. So I figured I would try this and it works! He really pushes to try to pee when I put him on like that lol. Now we just need to get to the point that he is ready to tell me that he needs to peepee so we can begin the real training.

Thursday, January 08, 2009

Long time no post huh?

LOL Well you know I completely forgot I had this blog! I'm horrible horrible at keeping up to date on this stuff!!! But Juli so kindly (as kind as she can be anyway lol) that I needed to get my butt over here and that I should be ashamed of myself for not updating in years! Yes it has been years! After Gabriel came well time slipped away. So I guess I should update huh?

As you can see by my little snowman there, all six inches of him, we got snow in Marseille! Twenty-two years in waiting but it came! Of course the city came to a standstill, schools were cancelled for today and now it is going away :( Yes the rain has come so we say goodbye to the snow! But it was fun while it lasted, especially for the skiers near the gare, I'm sure they had a blast with no traffic and lots of snow!

Maybe I'll keep this updated, it will all depend on what Gabi lets me do lol!!

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