Monday, September 25, 2006

Star Ac

Here in France we have the cross between Big Brother and American Idol, it is neither really but a bit of both called Star Academy. You have 16 students to begin with, mixture of boys and girls. All live in a big-ass chateau together. They go to classes for singing, dancing, acting, exercise plus direction helping them make the best of their performances. At the beginningof each week they are all evaluated by a group of six judges. This year they pick six on Monday with the lowest evaluation score, and they all get a second chance on Tuesday. The lowest three then will be judged Friday. One will be chosen by the public to stay, one by the other students and one will go...adieu! This goes on till there are two. Anyway I'm an on/off fan. I don't bother myself to watch it everyday, I haven't decided who I really like this year but there are several I can't stand to look at. (like Cynthis, god I must cover my eyes each time, sorry)


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