Monday, January 12, 2009

No more snow

Well it was fun while it lasted, but the snow is gone and life back to normal here in Marseille. But in Forcalquier, where my in-laws live, the winter wonderland continues. Although no new snow, the temperatures have kept the white and Gabi was able to enjoy some snow fun over the weekend with his grandma.

On another note, Gabi did a little tinkle in the toilet last night! He is 22 months old and not ready to potty train, morning diaper is still soaked, but before bath we always ask if he has to fait pipi and instead of heading toward his potty, which he hates, we head to the big toilet. I sit him on it backwards, a little tip I picked up on a forum. sitting him on it forwards scares him, he feels like he is going to fall in, holding him up just makes him laugh and kick the toilet lol. So I figured I would try this and it works! He really pushes to try to pee when I put him on like that lol. Now we just need to get to the point that he is ready to tell me that he needs to peepee so we can begin the real training.


juliwalters said...


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